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46.5K Downloads Created Sep 24, 2012. Can't find a mod that change your ugly Aela Vanilla NPC into beautiful NPC ? Download. Minecraft Controller Mod for PlayStation and XBox Controllers Authors note: I've tested this in single player with an XBox controller and a PS3  Sk8erLewiss COD WaW USB Mod Menu For PS3 Essentials: -USB -PS3 (Non-Jailbroken or Jailbroken) -Cod WaW -Pc or Mac Tutorial: 1. as the LTS SPRX Mod Menu for PS3, the LTS RPC/RTM Mod Tool for the PS3, and finally the FUT(15, 16, Take your gaming to the next level with LTS mods. I won't just take it out of the PS3 casing, I will replace it entirely with a Corsair CX450M ($57).